During the first half of the 2014 Fall semester in all U. S. History classes, each student was required to submit a report on some person, place or event that happened in his/her state that has had an impact on the development of our great country. The student could choose a written report or a more visual PowerPoint style report. They were asked to be as complete and concise as possible and to explain how, in their view, this individual or event had an impact on our country and its' history.
Every student participated, so I received nearly 150 reports. I'd spend the rest of the semester posting all of them here, but I wanted to include at least a good cross-reference of the reports that were submitted. Overall I was pleased with the quality of the work and with the creativeness of many of the students. They were all well done, but here are some I felt were really creative. To view any report simply 'mouse' over the report and click.
Students: Don't feel that your report was not worthy if it is not posted here. I could not post all reports, so I just took a random cross-section of the reports that were submitted.
Every student participated, so I received nearly 150 reports. I'd spend the rest of the semester posting all of them here, but I wanted to include at least a good cross-reference of the reports that were submitted. Overall I was pleased with the quality of the work and with the creativeness of many of the students. They were all well done, but here are some I felt were really creative. To view any report simply 'mouse' over the report and click.
Students: Don't feel that your report was not worthy if it is not posted here. I could not post all reports, so I just took a random cross-section of the reports that were submitted.
911 -Day of Disaster in America
Abraham Lincoln
Andy Griffith
Anthony (Ft) Wayne Bill Gates Charles Ginsburg - Radio
Colorado History Crossing the Delaware Dolley Madison
Franklin D. Roosevelt George Washington Harry Houdini
Henry Ford James Buchanan - 1 James Buchanan - 2
James Hinkley shots Reagan James Meredith John Bozeman, Montana
Lewis & Clark Exploration Mad Anthony Wayne Norman Thagard
Oahe Dam Project Ronald Reagan Spanish American War
Swamp Fox, Revolutionary War The Utah War Transcontinental Railroad
Walt Disney
Anthony (Ft) Wayne Bill Gates Charles Ginsburg - Radio
Colorado History Crossing the Delaware Dolley Madison
Franklin D. Roosevelt George Washington Harry Houdini
Henry Ford James Buchanan - 1 James Buchanan - 2
James Hinkley shots Reagan James Meredith John Bozeman, Montana
Lewis & Clark Exploration Mad Anthony Wayne Norman Thagard
Oahe Dam Project Ronald Reagan Spanish American War
Swamp Fox, Revolutionary War The Utah War Transcontinental Railroad
Walt Disney